Secret 1 Reviewing Your Work
You find as you grow older that experience is when you have made the same mistake twice: Scary, but true. On this second day of the New Year I was reviewing a blog post of mine, and found that I had made some typos. You know, writing a sentence in your mind, and having it totally come out different on the paper. I told myself this time around to review for typographical errors.
Secret 2 Taking Control Of Finances
At any rate on to the subject at hand, here are the three secrets to an awesome life. Set three types of goals: Personal, Physical, & Professional. Remember Yesterday, we talked about our Awesome Life Number. It is the number that allows to take back control of your life financially. In fact despite the pandemic, i heard there were multiple new Billionaires in the world, not to say the number of new Millionaires. I am not one of those either, but the vision is there. So let just talk thousand-aire for the moment or even hundred-aire. All stops to the big prize: The Awesome Life!
Secret 3 The Financial Catagories
So a quick review so that we can get there. Live on 20%. Invest 40%. Pay Tax on 40%. Your right I am not there yet either. We broke it down into smaller chunks. Save 10% to Financial Freedom Account (Think Loose Change and end of month money. Save 10% to Long-term Savings for Spending. Save 10% for Education. Save 50% for Lifestyle & Necessities. Save 10% to Giving. Spend 10% however I want, so I do not spend needlessly in other areas.
Honestly, this plan will take some doing, but it is reachable if we stretch to this goal. Who else is aboard with me?
Scotts resources:
Scott Rulon
Scott Rulon runs Tax, Accounting, and Financial Advisory Business in Phoenix Arizona. He has been married 25 years to the woman of his dreams: Lisa.