Home 9 Ways to Invest in Yourself

9 Ways to Invest in Yourself




Welcome to 9 Ways to Invest in Yourself or as I like to call 9 habits of the highly

successful. While most people practice a couple of of these habits, few put them

into a power packed system for success.

Sure I know this list is large and not accomplishable in one day. What I want you to imagine,

however, is improving yourself 1% each day. Do realize by practicing this single habit you will

improve 365% over the course of a year and in fact you get an extra 1% on leap years.

Be a 1%er so you can be a 1%er.

Changing yourself each day is the greatest key to creating Personal, Professional, and Physical success. Even if you forget a day, don’t

beat yourself up. Improve 1% by not doing it next time.

9 ways to invest in yourself

  Want to Change Your Life? ⬇️

Start making these small changes every day for the next month!


1️⃣ Exercise for 30 mins/day
2️⃣ Read for 20 mins/day
No Fast food
3️⃣ Skip the fast food for 30 days
Wake up Earlier
4️⃣ Wake up 3 mins earlier each day
5️⃣ Push yourself to improve 1% each day
6️⃣ Save $10 a day (That’s $300 by the end of the month!)
Les time on devices
7️⃣ Spend 30 mins less each day on devices
8️⃣ Listen to an educational podcast for 30 mins/day
Micro Goals
9️⃣ Set a goal for the month and break it into smaller daily/weekly goals
Creativity (Your Bonus)
🔟 Do something creative for 30 mins/day

Making small changes every day leads to more significant changes over time.

Taking on challenges like this is a great way to invest in yourself and become more valuable.

Try this challenge out, and let us know how it goes!

Reading Recommendation

Unlock Your Potential

Legendary Marketer