Welcome to my blog Elevate Pass Review Legit 3% Cashback MLM or Scam?
There has been some talk about this company and I decided to take a more intense look.
Probability is someone approached you about this business opportunity and now you have come here to make sure it’s legit.
The good news is I am going to talk you through the company, products and compensation plan so you can satisfy your curiosity whether to join or not…
All you have to do is PAY attention and read to the end…
Elevate Pass Review – What is it?

Elevate Pass says it is an advertising company that can promote any program, product or tool. Their primary niche is cryptocurrencies.
When you buy their promo packs, you can earn up to 2% in rewards in weekly cashback for “years” to come or so they say…
The founders of the company are Rafael Cebula (CEO), Kaja Sikora (CMO), Jolanda Vroegh (COO) and Mark Verdellen (CFO).

The good news is they are ALL real people, a rarity these days.
Rafael Cebula has promoted Omega Group and then launched a clothing company called Mad Wear.
Elevate Pass Reviews – The Products

When it comes to Elevate Pass product, you can purchase Ad packs and market any crypto related program or tool. Nothing is offered at retail level.
This means everyone has to become an affiliate before buying an Ad Pack.
Elevate Pass Compensation Plan
Elevate Pass drop at least $10 in crypto and you can get up to 3% ROI weekly which is capped at 200% ROI total.
Once you reach that maximum you must drop more funds in Adpacks and start the process again.
Affiliate Commissions Direct
When it comes to direct commissions, there is only one level and you can earn 10% commissions on the funds invested by your personally sponsored members.
Matrix Compensation Plan
Elevate Pass also has a matrix compensation plan to pay residuals through a 2×22 structure.
You can earn 1.8% per pack in your matrix downline which can hold more than 8 million people.
You can also receive rank achievement bonus which is anywhere between $20 to $300,000.
Cost To Join Elevate Pass
Elevate Pass will cost you $10 and you can make the investment in bitcoin, ripple, tether, litecoin, tron, monero or ethereum.
Building an MLM with no retail does not make sense as you have nothing to sell to the public. Usually a primary warning.
Final Verdict
Elevate Pass Review Legit 3% Cashback MLM or Scam?
So does the Elevate Pass scam exist?
Let’s just look at the facts…
We do know who runs and owns the company which is a good thing but it goes down hill from there.
Anytime you claim you can make some kind of return on investment, it automatically becomes securities.
So where is the SEC regulation D registration. Cannot find it. Hmmm…
When claiming up to 3% per week on your ad packs, now they must register with all the financial regulators of the countries they are operating in.
Traffic Monsoon the biggest Ad Pack ponzi scheme shut down. This business model is uncannily similar. Perhaps even the same.
The returns are funded by new investments paying off existing members.
As Soloman said nothing new under the sun here…
Sure it’s paying at this moment, but when they pull the rug. Most of the members will get exit scammed then.
Always easy to invest, but difficult to get money put. Ouch!
I personally can’t recommend this company.
My #1 Recommendation
Tired of Scams?
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See you at the top,
-Scott Rulon
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