Home Reviews 🌴 Reviewing When and how did everything start for me?

🌴 Reviewing When and how did everything start for me?




🌴 Reviewing When and how did everything start for me?

Hey, Scott here:-)

Where to start.

Table of Contents:

1 Pondering

2 New Entrepreneur

3 Momentum

4 Outsourcing

You must be pondering, how I got started and how things worked out for me at the start…

Well, I cann’t call myself an immediate success, I can tell you that!

New Entrepreneur

There I was , a new entrepreneur working to replace my main source income and quit my job to get a better life.

The point is, I was trying to learn and do everything all by myself because of my scarce funds. I am guessing you understand how that feels.


You are just beginning and you don’t have the momentum or the certainty to begin investing too much of your hard-earned money… What if you lose it all?

These questions haunted me every solitary day.

I launched a few products and they sank in a major way. In fact, it was very embarrassing.

However, despite the obvious “failure” I obtained  a piece of information that would  make all the difference!

I realized that the real reason why I did not succeed in the past was precisely that I was doing each and every thing in the company…


I had to find a way of outsourcing myself from the business for that business to grow.

I began to laser focus on how to get everything done 24/7 without my help and this is when my business took off.

In today’s E-book of “The Millionaire Shortcut” ,I am going to show you the exclusive access to information I am able to go to every single solitary day y, just because I have the funds and all the time in the world
👉 Click here to read this E-book: The Millionaire Shortcut by Jeff Lerner

Talk soon,

Scott Rulon

P.S. Join my Facebook Group on personal financial mastery.