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Reviewing How many lives are we going to live?πŸ˜•




The header to this post was Reviewing How many lives are you going to live?

Naturally I wasn’t really expecting an answer.

I realize its only one.Β  I have been thinking about this lately.

I have a brother who is a tech administrator, who is might get to return to his workplace soon. You see he works at a hospital.

Covid-19 wards, patients that do not want to be there. Risk of infections.

Tough choices.

I cannot help but say – we only have one life to live, if your not satisfied- change it!

I did, I had enough of being an electrician – so quit.

I was called, silly, stupid, irresponsible but it wasn’t about anyone else!

It was about me, and my life – its what I wanted to do.

I began an affiliate marketing business online, from the comfort of my own home.

I started here