Welcome to how to visualize your future success.
Have you ever wondered how elite athletes maintain such a high level of performance?
You guessed it: Visualization.
Visualization for Athletes
For example you can watch elite professionals perform at a high level year after year. (See author Elizabeth Quinn’s article Positive Self Talk in Athletes Improves Performance).
I would like to suggest that such top level performance is not limited to just the field of athletics.
It can be applied to almost any area of life.
Moreover, I would like to suggest that most high level performers use this technique on a very regular basis.
Visual Techniques for Business
In fact, I just returned from a business conference called Insight in which we were taught visualization techniques to improve our business performance. This technique is not only for business success, but also used to de-stress in our chaotic world.
Visualization Technique in Practice
Imagine that you are sitting in a chair or lying on the floor.
Start by breathing in through your nose, and expelling the same breathe through your mouth.
Once you have done this a couple of times, you should hold your breathe to the count of 7, and expel that breathe.
Do this action about 10 times while you imagine the stress floating away from your body.
Or if you prefer imagine yourself as a top performing businessman or woman who successfully completes the task or sale at a top level.
Visualization Practice
Imagine going into almost any situation without being nervous because you have practiced it multiple times before it becomes reality. Try imagine what you want to accomplish, and visualize it first. The possibilities are endless.
So how often should you visualize your future success.
Do this at least once a day.
Read my other blogs on Budgeting and Cryptocurrency
Knowing How to create a budget.
How to Create a Financial Budget
Secret Ways of Online Marketing Revealed
By the way just so you know visualize your way into online marketing success by reading this E-Book: The Millionaire Shortcut
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