So how do you keep up the passion?
Each we you have to motivate yourself to write the Blog Post, because it is a central hub for all your activities in your online business. You must keep it vibrant and engaging to keep people’s interest. It all starts with an eye catching picture theat will grab some one’s attention. The next step is to find a headline that will captivate your audience.
More Available Tools
Today we have many more tools available than when I first started blogging 5 years ago. There is always to temptation to harness the power of Chat GPT Openai of some other form of AI to cut down the time needed to write your blog post. However the power of AI never seems to be able to capture the emotions that you feel or fully grab your unique point of view. And sometimes its just nice to uuse your own thought to really give the blog the umph that it it need.
My Inspiration
You know when I hit third grade I had a very inspirational teacher. her name was Mrs Reid. She always encouraged us to read and write. In fact we had a reading contest that year that inspired me to read 113 books. We also required to write an essay of story each week. The final essay we had to write: A Story about Her Dog Sugar Bear. You can bet that I had a great time coming up with that story. Mrs. Reid taught me me a great love of reading and writing.
First Big Challenge
The first big project on line became a challenge to write 90 blogs in 90 days. As much as that seemed like a chore, I carved out an hour each day to get it done. Believe it or not, it became a reality. You see back then we did not have ChatGPT or the variety of other wrting programs we have today. Just WORD and your imgaination. You see I had this dream that lots and lots of people would come to my blog.
Patience Grasshopper
Well for the first month all I heard was crickets chirpping. Slowly, I learned how to optimize my blog with key words. That included not only single words , but sentences as well. These key word began to help people find the blog. I also learned that the ability to write reviews about different products and topics certainly made a tremendous difference. At first I honed my skills on a website called, and even began to earn a couple of dollars a month for what I had written. That in and of itself became very exciting, until the platform kicked me off for violating some community guideline. To this day, I still don’t know what community guidline I violated, but it still gave me a start, and I will always appreciated medium for that.
The next step I took which I expect many of you will is to write a WordPress Blog. WordPress over time has become one of the leading website building sites in the world. In order to build a website on WordPress you first need to pick out a domain name. The first domain I ever picked “”.
I picked that name because I had an idea that people would walk into my blog and in theory walk to the different exhibits to find out more about finances. One of the big mistakes I made here was diverging form my main topic just to get readers and gather an email list. Eventually I got back to topic, and actually had over 300 readers a week come to my blog. In fact in those days crypto currencies were a big topic, and I chose to write about all the scams I used to see.
About 11 months ago I read the blog you are reading now. It was important to give you all a play by play on how to build an online business. This ciricullum is called the Beginners Advantage. It really helps me stay in touch with you the reader so I do not forget what it was like when I first started out.
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Considered Making Money Online
Moreover have you ever considered making money online in your spare time.
Consider building a blog or YouTube Channel to make it happen. Today one of the most powerful mechanisms to get people’s notice is Tik Tok.
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Read my other Blogs:
The Tick Tock Tax Man’s 4 Principles
How to make money with Chat GPT OpenAI