Please enjoy my Review Hyperfund Global: Legit or Scam?

There is a lot of buzz out there about a new MLM called Hyperfund Global centered around a legendary cryptocurrency figure called Ryan “The Martian” Xu, and another figure called Sam Lee.
The cryptocurrency world still seems to be the wild west though. Things like prospectuses and subscription agreements seem to be thrown by the wayside.
Founder Ryan XU
While it is apparent that Ryan Xu has tried to launch several crypto currencies like TRON and some others, it hard make sense of internet cryptocurrency proposals. Many crypto’s come and many go, and there are lots of developers wanting you to trade your cold hard cash for their cryptocurrency.
Hyperfund is an MLM
Hyperfund Global is another MLM company that rewards investors for recruiting others. Off ones initial investment of a minimum of $300 the company offers to pay you .5% a day, and promises a 300% return on your precious capital over a 2 year period. If you recruit others they pay you more.
How you can promise such astounding numbers in a volatile world seems almost beyond belief?
Review Hyperfund: Legit or Scam?
I would say rather than follow internet hype, go to a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange like Coinbase, and dip your feet in the waters of the Crypto world. See for yourself if crypto currency is for you. Do not give your hard earned money to a Hong Kong investment group without doing thorough research before hand.
So is Hyperfund Legit or Scam? I think transparency in investing is important, and I see little more than hype with Hyperfund Global or its latest iteration. Save your money and build your own internet business where you control the cash, and not someone else.
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I hope you enjoyed my Geniex review and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below…
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See you at the top,

-Scott Rulon
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