Welcome to my blog post: Review Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich
Think & Grow Rich is primer text for living a life that you dreamed of. For instance, in achieving wealth, Hill espouses 13 major concepts to achieve wealth and happiness. They are as follows:

- Thoughts are things
- Desire
- Faith
- Autosuggestion
- Specialized Knowledge
- Imagination
- Organized Planning
- Decision
- Persistence
- Power of the Master Mind
- The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
- The Subconscious Mind
- The Brain
- The Sixth Sense
Desire & Mastermind
I fully believe the chapters on Desire and Mastermind are by far the most important chapters in the book. Creating a burning desire in your heart and surrounding yourself with like minded contemporaries are keys to your success. Remember the John Dunn quote from ” For Whom the Bell Tolls“:
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
Businesses and fortunes exist with community. Community builds them. No one man has a magic wand and the day of the lone wolf entrepreneur are over.
You having the vision to build a business without a structured flexible goal, and a team to help you is just plain madness. You need the support of community to make things. Others must perceive that there is value. In the absence of value nothing happens.
You can pick up a copy of Napolean Hills Primer text right here. Scott’s Book Club.
To learn more about Scott see his web page at www.Scottrulon.com
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