Home Product & Service Reviews Review of Multilevel Marketing MLM

Review of Multilevel Marketing MLM




Multilevel Marketing or as it is fondly called in the business just plain MLM. MLM has many characteristics of what would seem the perfect business model. Especially since you do not need any employees, so everyone is paid on a strictly commission basis. The goal of most MLMs is to build large sales organizations so that the home company can pay you lots of commissions on your downline producers.

So think of it as way to recruit lots of people buying lots of a given product, and you receiving an override based on the volume of product flowing thru your organization. A the heart of all of this is learning to be a great recruiter of people, because as you probably know that every one the planet wants to be a salesperson. And lets not forget that most companies require a minimum auto ship each and every month. That means everyone is required to buy a given quantity of product each and every month or no commission. In fact in some cases your override commission might go to your upline recruiter because you did not buy the minimum required product the past month so they receive the commission on your organization.

Certainly bonus are lucrative at the higher level due to organization bonuses, and retail bonuses paid at those levels. I had the privilege of meeting some of the highest producers in the Amway business, and they were indeed men and women of strong character and integrity. The thing is that the average Amway Producer or IBO make only $200 a year, and that does not take into account all the time and energy you spent recruiting people and gathering sales training which might cost a few thousand a year.

So if you are a great recruiter and sales person this is business for you. These businesses are not bad, that jus require immense time and effort to make them work. For myself I still prefer affiliate marketing as you can leverage todays technology to work for you 24/7 without having product autoshipped to you on a regular basis. Who after all wants a room full of vitamins or potions you cannot use or sell.

For more info about Affiliate marketing and its benefits tap the link below.

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