Home Product & Service Reviews Review the Keys to Implementation

Review the Keys to Implementation




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Hey Scott here:-)

Don’t forget that nothing happens unless you review the keys to implementation nothing will happen.

  1. Guess what? It does not have to be perfect. Most of you are trying to get your message perfect, and it does not have to be. Sometimes it is all about testing a couple of different messages. We call it building a split test. Test two different offers with one key difference. you might be surprised at what a one word difference can make.  Sometimes volumes.
  2. Get a paid email for a couple bucks a month. Think outlook or blue host to set up. This means no g-mail here.
  3. I would also suggest a sales funnel as well. Personally, i use Clickfunnels and am authorized to give you a free 14 day trail before you have to pay anything. Get Click Funnels trial here. Tap Now.
  4. Let’s not forget a course to help you get started. I recommend Entre Institute as you can get started with Jeff Lerner’s Short E-Book: The Millionaire ShortCut.
  5. Don’t forget your inner game- a possibility mental attitude is critical to your success.
  6. Join my Facebook Group with questions.
  7. Lastly I love Simon Sinek’s Youtube video on Starting with Why.