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The Tick Tock Taxman’s 4 principles




What is the Tick Tock Taxman?

To be honest it is kind of a joke between myself and one of my tax clients. You see as the time clock has ticked in my life, I suddenly realized that I had been doing taxes for 32  years now. I would have never believed more than three decades later I would still be at my craft. In fact, the stories that I have heard would razzle dazzle your ears.

I remember many years a ago when a gentle came to me and swore up and down that he was a Citizen of the Republic Arizona, and not a citizen of the United States of America. he was inevitably trying to make a case that he did not have to pay taxes to The Internal Revenue Service because it was illegal for Congress to assess taxes. While I told him that technically he might be accurate, but was he willing to go to prison for his beliefs. Like so many others I suspect he was brave until the point that the IRS showed up at their foot steps.

Instead of paying no tax and practicing tax evasion (an illegal act), let us plan for our tax avoidance  (a legal act). If you think about it there are really four types of income that we can plan for.

1.Taxable Income

2 Tax Deferred or Tax Postponed Income

3 Partially Taxed Income

4 Tax Free Income (yes that is accurate)

Around these four principles, we can begin to organize our financial lives.

If you are interested in how to organize through these principles:

Join my Facebook Group about personal financial principles to be The Principal of your Life.

If you want to develop a stream of online income read entrepreneur Jeff Lerner’s E-Book

The Millionaire Shortcut