Welcome to my blog:BitcoLoan Exit Scam Playing out.
When a company stops paying out, you know financial difficulties have surfaced

In the past weeks there has been a SURGE if negative 1 star reviews on Trust Pilot about BitcoLoan. Think company has stopped paying. Here is one such review.

Don’t invest your money before they successfully open the Withdraw feature In their Platform.
I request Withdraw since July 18 2021 still Pending Now!
I contacted also the team , but they keep on saying ” we are working on transition CEFI to DEFI…. “First they said wait for 3 to 5 days and then now told waiting for a day….
What is unusual is Bitcoloan is actually replying to the negative reviews and saying they will fix the issue.
It looks like whoever is running Bitcoloan is most likely from Southeast Asia because they typically reply with “Dear sir”.

Although, Bitcoloan is replying. They are saying contact support. Unfortunately, they turned off their support…
Seems like yet another a ponzi scheme because they were promising up to 0.9% ROI, and could not deliver. Big surprise.
Remember it is always easy to invest, but tough to get money out.
Among the other thing that I noticed when I did that review is they were faking their positive reviews on Trust Pilot by giving their members incentives. You have to invest to borrow. Makes no sense!

Like all ponzi scams, most lose out and appears like another biz exit scammed their investors. Big promises on a return with no proof of external revenue.
Going forward, you should KEEP your eyes open for that…
Therefore, if they can’t provide you evidence of external revenue funding the ROI’s and registrations with financial regulators to offer securities in the countries they operate in, watch out. If its unregulated RUN!!!!!!
Tired of Scams?
If you landed on this blog, you want to actually know how to make money online right?
When it comes to BOTs or loans, one thing you need is CAPITAL so you can invest in more legit products, and getting another job isn’t the best way to do that…
Moreover, if you want to learn how you can increase your cash flow without trading your time for money…Once you learn this skill set, and the mind set, the sky is the limit when it comes to cash flow.
From there you can invest in appreciating assets and build long term wealth.
Remember to follow me on social media below because I am actually real and want to serve you.
Therefore, I hope you enjoyed my Bitco Loan and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below…
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See you at the top,

See you at the top,
-Scott Rulon
P.S. By the way, just so you know, if you are tired of failing ANY business, click here and check this out to take your game to the next level.
By the way here are My other Blogs
Million Token Review – Legit Crypto or Hype and Trash Coin?
Shaklee Review – (2021) Legit or scam?
HyperFund Launches HyperMining That Promises Rewards of Big ROI
Melaleuca Review: Legit or Scam
Scott is a tax accountant and financial advisor. He has lived in Arizona for 32 years.