Welcome to my blog on: Bitlocity Token Rocketing Soon
Bitlocity has recently announced they will be launching their own Bitlocity Token to their members as a free gift.
The amount you can get will depend on which plan you joined …

When I looked at the marketing video on YouTube, I summised they tried to compare their Bitlocity Token to Bitcoin, as well as other alt coins
For instance, the example they gave was Bitcoin in 2010. It was worth 0.003 and looks whats happened today.
That may be true, but Bitcoin is a MUCH different than MLM companies launching their own token. Bitlocity has little to stand on..
Currently, no reports of Bitlocity not paying, but when a crypto MLM announces a new token, think exit-scam strategy.
What they will end up doing is instead of paying you in mainstream cryptocurrencies, they pay in Bitlocity token. A totally useless tokenoutside of the company.
The company can set the price anywhere it wants, eventually it will launch it on an external exchange.
Once that happens, Bitlocity token will most likely be treasure for awhile, however, because this token is just another MEME coin it will trend down hard…
When it trashes, most of the people will be holding the bag
I have seen this too many times in the past…
PetronPay Security Token was the latest one that launched which pumped to over $2,000 and now is worth zero.
This happened within a quarter of it’s launch.
To prolong collapse, they are hyping up the company with this latest new gadgets and it looks like launching a crypto token is the main attraction.
When money comes from only recruitment, it has little value real value.
I will keep you posted to see what happens next…
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