Welcome to CashFX Group Latest News Update

There has been so much going on with CASHFX Group where I will update you to the latest Cashfx Group update in this blog post.

Still Not Paying
Let’s just start with CashFX Group still isn’t paying out withdrawals because they need to meet new KYC Requirements.
As of August 3rd, 2021, they said in an email:
Greetings CFX Family,
As part of our commitment to global compliance, we are implementing Know Your Customer or KYC, and Anti Money Laundering or AML requirements, which will begin effective August 3rd, 2021.
New members joining CFX will be required to submit specific identifying information and doc uments during the sign-up process.
Existing members are required to complete this process as quickly as possible. CFX Corporate will notify you if your KYC has not been completed by your due date, which is based upon your initial CFX registration. We ask that you complete this process to ensure the proper function of your business.
The following is the documentation required for setting up an account:
Know Your Customer
Verification of Basic Information
- Full name Date of birth Citizenship
- Proof of Identification (one of the following)
- Driver’s License Front/Back National Identification Card Front/Back
- Passport
Biometric Facial Recognition
This is a video recording to match your face to the picture on your ID you provided. Can be done from your smart phone or your computer.
Verification of Address
Utility bill less than 90 days old (electric, water, telephone, gas/energy, or sanitation bill)
Full copy of the document showing all 4 corners.
Must show your full name.
Must show your physical address, matching the address you used when registering your account.
- Company Accounts (outside USA & Canada)
- Memorandum and Articles Association
- Proof of Identification and Address for all of registered
- Shareholders, Beneficial Owners and Directors.
- Proof of address relating to the company.
We thank you for taking this compliance requirement seriously and look forward to seeing your documentation turned in as soon as possible.
Have a great day.
CFX Corporate Team.
Facebook Post
On August 5th, 2021, a Facebook post in Cash FX (in association with EverFX) Scam – Now What!? Revealed that CashFX group they used a different company name in order to get an account with BASIS ID.
I will link the post here so you can check out the back and forth that went on.
By August 9th, CashFX Group is pausing KYC roll until they find a proper solution.
They could have been more honest with their members, but that’s not the CASHFX Group way.
If you are in CashFX Group let me know in the comments below if you are getting paid by them or is it still paused?
As of right now the company has 15 securities fraud warnings and they haven’t been paying people properly since May of 2021 when they announced any negative comments on social media about CashFX Group will result in termination.
As of right most of the traffic coming into CashFXgroup.com is coming from the USA and UK.

Even though the United States is blocked from the site, CashFX Group recommends them to get a VPN and get access that way.
Also BehindMLM reported that they have some leaders like Justin Hall leaving the USA for other countries right now which could be a sign of a CashfX Group exit scam.
Will keep you updated once I find out more.
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See you at the top,
-Scott Rulon
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Additional resources:
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