How To Be Successful In Network Marketing | Top 5 Tips. If you are in online or network marketing and perhaps you are not getting the traffic, conversions, or other results you want, please be sure you pay close attention to what I am going to write about.
Why? I have built online digital assets that produce income. This information can be life changing.
Guess what? There are some negative connotations with network marketing like “pyramid scheme”.
In this blog post I will tell you the most common objections and present tips to improve your results.
Keep reading and Pay close attention
Top 5 Tips On How To Succeed In Network Marketing
Table of Contents
1 Top 5 Tips On How To Succeed In Network Marketing
3 Focus On Building Relationships
5 Treat Network Marketing Like A Business

Get Educated
When you start any project, usually there is a training phase. It takes a while to get up to speed.
I remember working at an accounting firm, and my Manager made me foot and cross foot multiple times before he let me use Excel.
Why should network be different than anything else?
You must educate and train yourself and read books & absorb content in any form. Leaders are readers.
You can read books like the Go Getter, to grab your own Blue Vase, and succeed.
If need excellent training, you can check that out here.
Remember “leaders are readers” and that goes for podcasts, ebooks, and blogs.
Focus On Building Relationships

Don’t waste time making a list of your friends and family and invite them to some home party. They will be skeptical and chop you down at the knees if you are not careful. Trust me on this one I tried it
Friends and family make make poor business builders & customers. They will always question what you are doing.
In fact, this could be the reason most networkers fail to gain ground.
Once they run out of family leads, they don’t know what to do.
Instead you must learn to target your ideal customer who is interested in your product and service from the very start. You need to care about their results as much as your own.
When you focus on the outcomes that your products and services will provide, the earth will begin to move. Not literally, but you get the point.
If you don’t know how to get the ideal prospect for your network marketing business, read on.
Product Of The Product

You might be thinking “What’s with this Scott?”.
An explanation is in order…
Can you live the product and use it yourself. You must be the product of the product. You must promote your belief in it.
If they don’t see it in your eyes, you are dead in the water. They will smell the blood, and vacate immediately
In today’s world, there is some untruthfulness when it comes to how products perform.
For example, health and wellness products that claim to work on paper but not for people.
When selecting a network marketing company to begin with, try the products to make sure they actually work.
By just posting your progress with the product and how it is benefiting you, it can peak people’s interest naturally. You want them to start naturally talking about it.
I recommend posting content on social media around your use and journey with the product. The reults can speak for themselves.
If you want to learn how you can generate prospects for your network marketing business step by step, this is a great training.
Treat Network Marketing Like A Business

This is one of the best pieces of advice out there for people who want to start their network marketing business.
There is a infamous saying:
“If you treat it like a hobby, you’ll get paid like a hobby. If you take it seriously and treat it like a business, you’ll get paid like it’s a business.”
This very concept made all the difference. treat it like a business, not a hobby
How do you treat your business? I like to say if the police came to investigate does the evidence show you are working in the business.
You need to continually prospect for new leads. The fortune is in the followup
Your beginning monies should be invested back into your business and yourself.
Personal Development can make a huge difference.
The more you invest in self development the faster you grow as long as you take action. What was once hard becomes easier.
You need to make a 100% effort each day regardless of your emotions.
If you don’t feel like it do it anyway or as I like to call it: swallow the frog.
Just do it.
Your attitude determines your altitude in network marketing.
Learn to communicate with people on a daily basis (not even for your business), but for excellent practice. It will help sharpen your communication skills and lessen your fear.
You have got to give to get, even if you are introverted. You might even practice by speaking to people on a park bench. I have.
Hold Yourself Responsible

So How To Be Successful In Network Marketing | Top 5 Tips
Take personal responsibility for your actions.
If you are failing or your business isn’t doing well, it’s your fault.
If your business is climbing. It’s your fault.
People who fail in this industry don’t take it seriously and choose to blame others rather than themselves.
Success is rarely an accident.
Take responsibility for the results and look for ways to improve them.
Take personal accountability and start improving the areas that need help, you will begin to see a massive positive change in your network marketing business.
I hope you received value in this “How To Be Successful In Network Marketing | Top 5 Tips” blog post. Here is a more powerful training that will take your network marketing business to the next level. You can start generating ideal prospects on demand who WANT your products…
I have built a 5 figure network marketing business and two six figure businesses in the last 7 years. You will be shown exactly how I got there. Having a system is important.
My request is you NEVER give up and you continue to take action on what you are going to learn. It can change your life through a diligent repeatable processes.
If you have any questions about network marketing, leave me a comment below and I will respond.
Follow me on Social media below:
Subscribe To My YouTube Channel Here.
See you at the top,

-Scott Rulon
P.S. Tired of failing in business then click here and check this out to take your game to the next level.
Additional resources
Shaklee Review – (2021) Legit or scam?
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