Welcome to my second review on Hyperfund: HyperFund Launches HyperMining That Promises Rewards of Big ROI on Hyperfund. Hyperfund launched HyperMining That Promises Rewards of Big ROI.
HyperFund has been gaining a lot of traction . It was brought me by a business colleague. To be honest I am flabbergasted it’s still running, but it looks like they just launched their own mining platform called HyperMining.

In my original HyperFund review, I did call the company a ponzi scheme because they were promising returns with no real proof of external revenue.
Plus they were not listed with any financial regulator including the SEC and even got a fraud warning in the UK.
According to HyperMining’s promotional video, this cloud mining service is capable of mining FileCoin, BitCoin and Ethereum, Today we are mostly talking about Filecoin.
When I watched the video, it just looks like a stock video they got off of Google or FIVERR and placed their logo on the mining rigs in the video.
Take a look at the promo video and see what I mean:
So far they haven’t showed any PROOF of where these mining rigs are theirs. In fact i got fooled by a like scam called BitClub. i am not proud to say that I got taken for $ thousands, but I learned my lesson
Additionally there are no third party audits to show that Hyperfund is capable of producing the large returns they talk about.
Not only that, constantly talking about residiual returns and saying “rewards” does not cut it in my book. It won’t fly with regulators either.
In own opinion, Ryan “The Martian Xu” & HyperTech/HyperFund ownership know this company cannot make these kind of returns. So they continually need NEW services to have people invest and start the trend again.

When the only income coming into the company is new recruitment, this type of venture eventually implodes because not enough new investors come in.
Anyway, when HyperFund or HyperTech goes down, it’s going to be one of the largest exit scams in the history of crypto ponzi schemes.
Moreover,I will keep you posted if I find out anything new about this company…
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-Scott Rulon
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Check out my other blogs:
Review Hyperfund: Legit or Scam?
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