Review TronPro: Legit or Scam?. Welcome to my review.
There was some talks about TronCase 2.0 when the original Troncase exit scammed their investors.

Looks like those talks became reality because just recently Troncase 2.0 or Troncase PRO launched on a brand new website “”.
The domain was privately registered on July 12th, 2021.
When looking at the new website, looks like it’s a carbon copy for TronPRO with nothing being changed.
Didn’t Albert Einstein say ““The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
Review TronPro: Legit or Scam?
When you land on their original Trancase website, it has people click a pop up that redirects them to the new Troncase PRO website.
As such, in the original Tron opportunity it seemed most of the revenue came from recruiting. As such one layer would fund the new layer. It seemed to operate as a ponzi scheme and it looks like nothing has changed.
They were promising 300% ROI with no external revenue proof to fund them.
It was clearly new investments paying off existing members and when Troncase did exit scam, they had over 90 million TRX and hit ZERO overnight.
So what if TronCase 2.0 Launches With New Site TronCase.PRO?
So irregardless of whether TronCase 2.0 Launches With New Site TronCase.PRO. Is it just a new paint job. Is anything new here?
So is TronCase PRO any different?
Can we be sure this company won’t exit scam again?
Absence of Regulation when TronCase 2.0 Launches With New Site TronCase.PRO
Little is different, so the result of this will be the same.
Remember there is no SEC here. No Regulation; no resources if you lose your money. Can you take this risk?
The reason why Governments around the world want to start regulating cryptocurrencies is because of companies like this and altcoins that have no backings that mess over people constantly.
Looks like the man leading the charge for TronCase 2.0 is Ryan Conley, you can find this out by doing a search in Facebook for “Troncase 2.0”.

Sadly, now that TronCase 2.0 Launched With New Site TronCase.PRO. It looks like within just a day they have already cracked over 3,000 members into TronCase PRO. Somewhat insane knowing that they are joining a company that exit scammed them once before.
My thoughts are how could someone join this one when they were exit-scammed by the first. Always remember it is easy to invest your hard earned capital, but hard to get out. So whether TronCase 2.0 Launches With New Site TronCase.PRO or not what’s the difference?
My #1 Recommendation
Therefore whether TronCase 2.0 Launches With New Site TronCase.PRO or not, I do know you want to make money online.
If you landed on this blog, you want to actually know how to make money online right?
When it comes to crypto, one thing you need is CAPITAL so you can invest in more legit cryptocurrencies and getting another job isn’t the best way to do that…
If you want to learn how you can increase your cash flow without trading your time for money…
Once you learn this skill set, and the mind set, the sky is the limit when it comes to cash flow.
From there you can invest in appreciating assets and build long term wealth.
Remember to follow me on social media below because I am actually real and want to serve you.
Therefore, I hope you enjoyed my TRON 2.0 and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below…
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See you at the top,

See you at the top,
-Scott Rulon
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